Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Zdar....loverly, May 14

After a few action packed weeks of my birthday celebrations and good bye parties I am back in the school library (school is over my computer is just broken :( ) Trying to plan my 20 day adventure, then a 15 day adventure with my mom after that. It is a bit overwhelming and with further flight cancellations and delays with the volcano Ash i am apprehensive to book anything but trying to get all the research done so I have options! Also trying to psych myself up for my solo travel experience. I know it will be great but after travelling for 4 months with amazing people I can see myself getting lonely and being indecisive!

People from my program are leaving daily and it is very sad because some of them I am sure I will not see again. But these memories have been the best and they are not over yet!

This weekend I was able to visit the hometown of Zdar with my friend Hana. It is about 3 hours away from Prague by train. The second largest fun fair festival in the Czech Republic was being held there this weekend. We arrived at the airport and I met her mother.Hana proceeded to be the translator the whole time because her family does not speak English, some of her friends did but it was a small town and i did get started at quite often when i was talking. (Kinda felt like a celebrity!) On the way to her house she said that her dad had dressed up to meet me, and when we walked in she said he was drunk because he was nervous. it felt very odd to make people nervous but they had never had a guest from America before. They were so hospitable the whole time getting me anything I needed. It was honestly so refreshing to be in a house and have a meal at a table and dinner conversation and everything. The fair was very fun, I rode rides and bought typical Czech sweets and the weirdiest gyro I've ever had. Pita, meat, ketchup, mayonnaise, and some spicy sauce. Hana's dad and brother kept offering my shots of SLivoviche, a terrible Czech alcohol that burns all the way down. But it is customary for them to offer and impolite if I refuse :)
I met her grandparents and her grandpa talked to me about cowboys and Indians and sang the only English that he knew :) their house smelled like home baked cookies and he is a carver and gave me a box that he had carved. It really touched my heart!
I can honestly say this is the type of experience I have been looking for here and experienced it when I went to Znojmo with my roommates and one of their Moravian boyfriends. It was so great to get away from the city and see the countryside and how most Czech people live. Most of the students go home EVERY weekend to spend in their villages with their family. the train stations are mob scenes on Fridays and Mondays! I think this inspired me to do trains and ferries for my solo travel because I will be able to see so much more. i wish i had pictures to show you but my computer is broke. just expect 2000 pictures in July when i get home and can upload them :)
I leave Thursday (2 days!) for Ireland. Bought a 1 way ticket. Finding my way home from there. Sometimes in life you have to bite off more than you can chew! Wish me luck and prayers.
Love you all,


  1. Dear Shan, Have a fantastic time on your solo trip, I know you will have amazing stories and experiences. Still living vicariously through you, have fun and be safe. And of course keep us posted. You have loyal readers! :)

  2. thats the most unique and lovely experience I've read about in a considerable time :)

    You've truely had a cazech experience!

    things to do in prague
