Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunny-ness in Prague

Beautiful, sunny, mildly warm day in Prague. I went for a glorious run in the park I found behind the houses across from school. It is really long and if you run/walk :) long enough you reach a hill that overlooks the city. I watched the sun set and thoroughly enjoyed being among parents with their kids, people walking dogs, and couples strolling. My neighbor across the hall said that the weather should be like this from now on which would be wonderful!

I am going to go pack right now (I love packing for adventures) and then my French friend is coming to help make a dinner before we head out to Berlin. WE are taking Orange ways again which is the bus company that screwed us over in Budapest but it is the cheapest one.
Did research today for my spring break trip, Conflicted whether to go to Munich, then Barcelona, then Amsterdam. Or just to Munich and Amsterdam, or to Ukraine, and Munich. Such tough decisions but advice welcome. I would love to go to Turkey but tickets seem to be very expensive and there's some sort of political unrest.

Off to pack and night bus it to Berlin, with a chock full schedule of sight seeing, night life, and fun-ness!

Off to pack and night bus it to Berlin, with a chock full schedule of sight seeing, night life, and fun-ness!

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